chiropractic adjustments
Chiropractic adjustments are the core treatment that you will receive when you visit New Element Chiropractic. A chiropractic adjustment is a controlled, specific force applied to any joint of the spine or extremities that has been determined to be restricted in motion resulting in joint dysfunction, also known as a chiropractic subluxation. 'A subluxation is a complex of functional and/or structural and/or pathological articular changes that compromise neural integrity and may influence organ system function and general health.' A chiropractic subluxation is treated by an adjustment which can be performed by the doctor's hands, a special chiropractic table or a hand-held instrument.
California Chiropractic Association defines chiropractic as 'a health care discipline which emphasizes the inherent recuperative power of the body to heal itself without the use of drugs or surgery.' The body is amazing and chiropractic care can help you reach your fullest potential. Chiropractic care restores function and movement to the joints of your body so you're able to move better and consequently, feel better. We'd love to be part of your health care team.
Doctors of Chiropractic have extensive training and education. Some chiropractic colleges require a Bachelors degree before beginning chiropractic education. Dr. Kristy earned a Bachelors in Science from Michigan State University before starting her chiropractic studies. Chiropractors study for four years to earn a Doctorate of Chiropractic. At different points in their education, chiropractors sit for national board exams which is administered by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners. NBCE’s exam is divided into four parts: basic sciences (Part I), clinical sciences (Part II), clinical competency (Part III), and practical skills (Part IV) which all must be passed to be able to practice chiropractic. Upon completion of board exams, a chiropractor must apply for state licensure to practice. To maintain an active state license in the state of California, chiropractors must complete 24 hours of continuing education each year.
Chiropractic treatment can help improve:
The Foundation for Chiropractic Progress, F4CP, states that ​'A randomized controlled trial with six-month follow-up reports that 94 percent of manual-thrust manipulation recipients under chiropractic care had a 30 percent reduction in low back pain at week four while only 56 percent of medical care recipients had a 30 percent reduction in low back pain at week four. This represents a 38 percent (94% – 56%) increase in effectiveness by seeing a doctor of chiropractic first. The study also determined that patients are best served when informed of non-pharmacological therapies for low back pain before electing riskier, less effective treatments. Manual-thrust manipulation, performed by doctors of chiropractic, achieves a greater short-term reduction in pain compared with common medical treatments. Schneider et al. (2015) Spine Journal
​The F4CP states that 'a study by RAND updated the randomized controlled trials evidence for these manual procedures and concludes: “There is moderate quality evidence that manipulation and mobilization are likely to reduce pain and improve function for patients with chronic low back pain; manipulation appears to produce a larger effect than mobilization. Both therapies appear safe. Multimodal programs may be a promising option.” Coulter I, Crawford C, Hurwitz E, et al. Manipulation and Mobilization for Treating Chronic Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. The Spine Journal (2018)
repetitive stress injuries
sciatica or back-related leg pain
headaches: migraines, tension headaches
plantar fascitis
carpal tunnel syndrome
tennis elbow
sports inuries
Have questions? Call our office to see if chiropractic care is right for you.

Office Hours:
Monday: 9:00 - 5:30 pm
Tuesday: 1:30 - 5:30 pm
Wednesday: 9:00 - 1:00 pm
Thursday: 1:30 - 5:30 pm
Friday: 9:00 - 5:30 pm
621 E. Campbell Ave. Suite 10B
Campbell CA 95008